Dream a little.
Or a lot.

We empower people in Wichita’s Nomar, North End, and Latino populations with opportunities, resources, and support to achieve dreams and transform futures.
Nomar Fiesta
Oct. 4, 2025
11 AM – 11 PM

Commercial Kitchen
Whip up something grand.
Our fully-equipped commercial kitchen space offers an ideal environment for anyone looking to start a new food business, host a cooking demonstration, or prepare meals for catering.
- Create or Test New Recipes or Products
- Launch a Food Venture
- Prep for Catering Events
Empowering dreams is what we do.
Learn the skills you need to be successful. Seek your ideal employment. Positively contribute to your community. We can help you get work-ready.
- Career Pathway Workshops
- Resume and Interview Prep
- Empower Partnership

Build confidence in your skillset.
With the right knowledge and new skills, you can reach your goals and be successful at anything you put your mind to. We host a variety of classes throughout the year to promote personal growth.
- Save, Match, Grow! Classes
- Financial Coaching and Empowerment
- Homebuyers Workshops
- Computer and Technology Literacy
Small Business
Launch your own hustle.
Thinking about starting your own business? We offer tools and resources to make the process easier, so you have a successful start and growth plan.
- Getting started with licensing
- Business Basics
- Marketing Strategies
- Financial Management

Join our vibrant community, where our rich Hispanic heritage fuels our love of culture and diversity.